2019 International Workshop on Software Engineering for HPC-Enabled Research

Sunday, Nov. 17, 2019

Held in Conjunction with SC'19

Room 710

Denver, CO

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Workshop Schedule

Workshop Notes

9:00 - Welcome and Introduction

9:05 - Session 1 - Software Practices in Aplication Domains (Daniel S. Katz)

  • 9:05 - [Invited Talk] "Software Engineering Practices and Related Challenges in the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration", Katrin Heitmann

  • 9:35 - [Acccepted Paper] "A Study of Hydrodynamics Based Community Codes in the Astrophysics", Anshu Dubey [Proceedings]

  • 9:50 - Large group discussion

10:00 BREAK

Session 2 - Software Process (Neil Chue Hong)

  • 10:30 - Ice Breaking Exercise

  • 11:15 - [Accepted Paper] "Lightweight Software Process Improvement Using Productivity and Sustainability", Michael A. Heroux, Elsa Gonsiorowski, Rinku Gupta, Reed Milewicz, J. David Moulton, Gregory R. Watson, Jim Willenbring, Richard J Zamora, and Elaine M. Raybourn [Proceedings]

  • 11:30 - Small group discussions

  • 12:15 - Large group report out

12:30 LUNCH

Session 3 - Software Practices in Tools and Services (Anshu Dubey)

  • 2:00 - [Accepted Paper] "Role Oriented Code Generation in an Engine for Solving Hyperbolic PDE Systems", Jean-Matthieu Gallard, Lukas Krenz, Leonhard Rannabauer, Anne Reinarz, and Michael Bader [Proceedings]

  • 2:15 - [Accepted Paper] "FQL: An Extensible Feature Query Language and Toolkit on Searching Software Characteristics for HPC Applications", Weijian Zheng, Dali Wang, and Fengguang Song [Proceedings]

  • 2:30 - [Lightning Talk] "Presenting information about software in JOSS: current and potential practices", Kyle E. Niemeyer

  • 2:35 - Small group discussions

3:00 - BREAK

Session 4 - Discussion (Jeff Carver)

  • 3:30 - Further small group discussions

  • 3:45 - Large group report out

  • 4:00 - Wrap-up discussion

Last Updated on November 5, 2019 by Jeffrey Carver