First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Computational Science and Engineering
Leipzig, Germany
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Co-located with ICSE 2008
Home Call for Papers Committee Resources Schedule
8:45 Welcome
9:00 Session 1: How do We Study Scientists?
- "Towards an Ecologically Valid Study of Programmer Behavior
for Scientific Computing." by Halverson, C., Swart, C., Brezin, J.,
Richards, J. and Danis, C.
- "Large Efficient Table-Top Teraflop Computing." by
Basili, V., Craveiro, T., Cruzes, D., Despain, K., Dorland, B., Hochstein, L.,
Zazworka, N., and Zelkowitz, M.
- "Informing Design of a Search Tool for Bioinformatics." by Umarji, M. and Seaman, C.
10:30 BREAK
11:00 Session 2: How Scientists Develop Software
- "Models of scientific software development." by Segal, J.
- "Assessing the Quality of Scientific Software." by
Kelly, D. and Sanders, R.
- "Some Lessons Learned Reviewing Scientific Code." by Morris, C.
12:30 LUNCH
14:00 Session 3: Improving Scientific Software Development
- "Towards Applying Complexity Metrics to Measure
Programmer Productivity in High Performance Computing." by
Danis, C., Thomas, J., Richards, J., Brezin, J., Sward, C., Halverson, C.,
Bellamy, R., and Malkin, P.
- "Software Automation in Scientific Research
Organizations." by Vigder, M., Stewart, D., and Singer, J.
- "Commonality Analysis of Families of Physical Models for
use in Scientific Computing." by Smith, W., Carette, J., and McCutchan, J.
15:30 BREAK
16:00 Break-out Groups and Follow-up Discussion
17:30 END
Last Updated on June 18, 2008 by Jeffrey Carver